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Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

Hadi Yanuar

MSI, ESL to partner for Master Gaming Arena 2015 with 200 thousand USD Prize!

MSI and ESL have come together to host the sixth iteration of the re-branded Beat IT tournament, MSI announced on Thursday.

The tournament was formerly known as the MSI Beat IT tournament but will now be called MSI Master Gaming Arena 2015. With the name change, the tournament will be moving away from Dota 2 to feature two premier Blizzard Entertainment titles — Heroes of the Storm and Starcraft II.

Qualifiers for the main tournament will come from all across the world with Europe, Asia, and North America; Asia will kick off the qualifier stages in June and and the rest of the world following suite in the subsequent weeks.

Once the finalists have been named the tournament will reach its climax in August. Held in Seattle, Washington, North American fans will finally get a chance to witness the tournament first hand, as it will be the first time that it will be held in the United States.

The final tournament will feature a total prize pool of $200,000 USD and Starcraft II players competing in the event will be awarded ever valuable WCS qualifier points.

The tournament's complete schedule can be found here.

Paul Park is a writer for theScore eSports who's 'Red Deck Wins' isn't winning all that much. You can follow him on Twitter.

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Hadi Yanuar

What Difference the task of Web Designers, Web Developers, and Web Masters

Many people are a bit confused as to what difference does the work of web designers and web developers as well as any other terms which the web master. There are even some people who think all the same jobs.

The following is a brief review of what is the difference between web designers, web developers and web masters.

Web Designers

Web designers are working with visual elements on a web page. Web designer is the person whose job makes a website page views so it looks so beautiful and eye-catching. Web designers typically integrate a variety of components such as image files, video files such as flash (but now flash is not recommended), or other multimedia to a Web page to add to the visual experience for users, or to complement the page website content.

Understanding of Client-side scripting like HTML, CSS, Javascript as well as understand how to manipulate pictures/photos and animations are some of the things that is controlled by a web designer. Web designers usually work in a team to make sure a website can make web applications work fine. Additional skills that usually needs to be good communication is owned, it will certainly be very useful for the web designers in completing its work. Another thing that must also be understood by the web designer is a matter of usability or use, the W3C standards for HTML and CSS as well as the display compatibility on different browsers, even the newest web designer must understand the website display problems should be opened on any devices that have different screen sizes or plain diserbut responsive web design or responsive web design.

Web Developer

Web developers are the people who work to create Web-based applications using programming languages like Java, PHP, .NET, or Python.

In practice, web developers create different things can "happen" on a website. Role web developer was as a liaison from all of the resources that would be used on a website, which includes the use of the database, create a page that can be dynamically, to govern the way visitors interact with existing elements on the website that he had made.

A reliable web designer will usually be familiar with the programming language of the web, whether it's on the server (server-side scripting) as well as from client-side (Client-side scripting). Display aspect usually is not too distracted by a web developer, he must understand HTML and CSS but also website design requires creativity and artistic souls, so although web developers understand the every command that is in HTML and CSS, he could not be employed as web designers because it does not have the ability to create a design, just to apply the design which has been made into a more dynamic must be controlled by the web developer.

Web Master

The Web Master can only people who have two capabilities that we discussed above, but the advantage is web master is also responsible for maintaining a web application that has been made, make sure the website is always down or not accessible. Even the webmaster also could have been responsible for search engine optimization (SEO), website content, filling up to market the website itself to the public.

But skup broader working group, the webmaster will be more assigned to become manager of a web-based project, organize the work of web designers and web developers, to do the testing, usability or usability of web applications that have been created before, doing the testing, even Security Affairs website.

For a web developer, a logical ability is needed to regulate the flow of web applications, while web designer requires artistic ability and creativity, artistic soul that is sure to be strong. While the Webmaster will be more in need of logical ability, artistic, as well as a good experience in general problems exist in the web world, such as manage files on hosting, free website hacker, make sure the website is not down, and other important things.
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Jumat, 29 Mei 2015

Hadi Yanuar

DOTA 2 : New Compendium Rewards & Spectator Effigies

Immortal Treasure II has been released, bringing exclusive new items to Compendium owners. The Immortal Treasure II contains items for Anti-Mage, Disruptor, Faceless Void, Leshrac, Shadow Fiend, Sven, and Tinker. Increase your Compendium level to earn more treasures and complete the set.

Compendium owners will also receive the Wyvern Hatchling courier. You can give it a new look by increasing your Compendium level, with the Fire Style unlocking at Compendium Level 25, and the Gold Style unlocking at Level 200.
Head over to the Compendium site to see everything in action.
Meanwhile, you may have noticed that we’ve rolled out a special drop system for The International matches, including the Qualifiers. Major events in a match where we would have previously dropped a normal item will now drop an effigy featuring the triumphant hero, or a random team member in the case of a group accomplishment. The effigies will be built from a random material (including the rare Solid Gold material), and will come ready to be posed using the preset hero and equipped items the player was using at the time.
Live spectators will also have a chance to earn coins, coin charms, and Compendium points toward levels. Additionally, every Compendium owner will have a chance to receive an effigy celebrating the victorious team whenever a live match ends, even if they weren’t watching. The higher your Compendium Level, the higher your chance to receive one of these effigies.
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Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

Hadi Yanuar

Jadi Atlet eSport Bukan Hanya Soal Skill

Direktur Digitalife Nusantara Hendri Andrigo mengatakan, menjadi atlet profesional dalam industri game itu tak hanya terkait kemampuan bermain alias skill. Banyak sekali kriteria yang harus dimiliki seorang gamer, baik secara internal (dari dalam diri sendiri) maupun eksternal. Kriteria tersebut harus terpenuhi jika mereka ingin menetap di jalan sebagai atlet eSport.

“Mental juara dan ketekunan berlatih secara benar. Cara mendapatkanya adalah dengan bergabung ke manajemen atau organisasi olahraga eSport  yang serius dalam pembentukan atlet,” kata Hendri Andrigo kepada beberapa waktu lalu. “Di sana, mereka akan mendapatkan pengarahan dan pendidikan oleh para ahli di bidangnya dan pemahaman menjadi atlet yang sebenarnya.”

eSport atau olahraga elektronik di Indoensia sekarang ini menjadi perhatian banyak pihak, khususnya mereka yang bergerak dalam industri game. Gamer mungkin menjadi sebutan yang kurang positif di mata para orangtua, tetapi eSport memiliki makna yang berbeda.

Selain skill, seorang gamer yang ingin menekuni hobinya secara profesional harus mendapatkan dukungan dari pihak yang paling dekat. “Benar, faktor eksternal juga sangat berpengaruh, apalagi dukungan keluarga,” kata Hendri.

Apabila sudah memilikinya, kemampuan seorang gamer profesional bisa lebih baik lagi dengan dukungan secara fasilitas, baik dalam bentuk pendanaan dan peralatan serta tempat berlatih yang memadai.

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Hadi Yanuar

You Must Know! Benar Salah Dalam Investasi.

Apakah semua investasi memberikan keuntungan? Tentu saja tidak. Kenyataannya kita tidak sedang berada di area hitam putih dimana semuanya terlihat jelas seperti teori yang diajarkan di buku. Kita lebih berada di dunia yang abu-abu dimana seringkali faktor eksternal dapat menyebabkan guncangan-guncangan dalam investasi kita.

Berikut beberapa kebenaran dan kebohongan dalam berinvestasi. Untuk lebih menariknya, Saya akan membahas kebohongannya terlebih dahulu sebelum pada akhirnya akan Saya akhiri dengan kebenaran yang sewajarnya:

1. Kebohongan pertama: Ada jenis-jenis investasi yang pasti untung apabila kita bergabung didalamnya.

Ini kebohongan besar yang biasanya dihembuskan para marketing tak beretika dari perusahaan-perusahan investasi (yang juga tak beretika) demi mengejar banyaknya dana yang masuk ke perusahaan tersebut.

Perlu diketahui bahwa TIDAK ADA satupun investasi yang dapat memberikan jaminan bahwa Anda pasti untung jika mengikuti didalamnya. Bahkan tidak juga tabungan (yang ini sebenarnya sudah tidak tergolong investasi lagi karena kenaikan harga biasanya lebih besar dari bunga tabungan) atau deposito perbankan.

Semua investasi memiliki resiko. Termasuk dengan produk-produk perbankan yang notabene berbunga kecil. Bagaimana jika bank tempat Anda menanamkan dana Anda kemudia bankrut sementara dana tidak dijamin pemerintah pusat? Tentu saja itu dapat terjadi. Jadi ketahuilah bahwa tidak ada kepastian 100% untung ketika Anda memutuskan untuk berinvestasi.

Kebenarannya: Biasanya investasi mengikuti pakem perbandingan resiko terhadap profitabilitynya. Artinya semakin besar keuntungan yang diperoleh maka semakin besar juga resiko yang mungkin terjadi. Dan sebaliknya jika Anda memilih investasi yang low risk, maka return yang sanggup ditawarkan juga terbatas. Meski ada juga investasi yang agak sedikit konyol (yang ini tidak disarankan untuk diikuti) yaitu yang high risk-low return.

2. Kebohongan kedua: Investasi hanya untuk orang-orang berduit.

Pernyataan ini benar tetapi itu adalah 10 tahun lalu. Pada saat-saat dimana investasi terutama sektor keuangan masih merupakan barang baru di masyarakat. Namun tidak demikian dengan investasi di sektor keuangan dewasa ini.

Hal ini disebabkan kurangnya pengetahuan di masyarakat awam mengenai investasi. Belum lagi image yang terbentuk sejak bertahun-tahun sebelumnya telah membuat investasi keuangan dilabelkan demikianlah adanya. Padahal dari waktu ke waktu investasi selalu berevolusi dan semakin memasyarakat. Kitalah yang harus turut belajar.

Kebenarannya: Beberapa investasi tercatat sangat retail sifatnya dan hampir sama dengan menabung yang hanya membutuhkan modal beberapa ratus ribu Rupiah saja.

Bahkan forex trading yang dulunya dikenal sebagai instrumen investasi untuk orang-orang super kaya (big boys) pun tidak lagi demikian karena telah menjadi sangat retail. Bandingkan dengan 10 tahun lalu dimana dana minimalnya harus sebesar $10.000.

3. Kebohongan ketiga: Investasi hanya untuk orang terpelajar karena sulit dan ngejelimet.

Tidak. Tidak benar sama sekali. Bahkan sebaliknya, investasi tidak seperti melamar pekerjaan dan membutuhkan berbagai persyaratan akademis serta pengalaman untuk dapat diterima. Siapa pun Anda , Anda dapat memulai investasi dan tidak menyulitkan. Investasi juga bukan hanya untuk orang pintar. Beberapa client Saya dalam dunia investasi futures trading (yang bahkan dikenal sebagai investasi yang paling rumit) adalah ibu-ibu rumah tangga dan mahasiswa.

Kebenarannya: Di beberapa model investasi Anda dapat menyerahkan dana Anda kepada seorang Manajer Investasi yang dapat mengelola dana Anda secara profesional dan Anda cukup menerima hasilnya saja. Jika Anda ingin hasil yang lebih maksimal lagi, tentu saja Anda harus turun tangan mengelolanya sendiri (active investor). Tidak sesulit yang dibayangkan kebanyakan orang. Cukup pahami instrumen analisa yang ada, pengaturan keuangan dan efek psikologisnya, Anda sudah bisa menjadi manajer investasi bagi diri Anda sendiri.

4. Kebohongan keempat : Adalah sulit berinvestasi dalam sektor keuangan jika tinggal di kota terpencil.

Kata siapa? Kalau ini masih zaman 80 an memang iya. Namun masa-masa saat ini wilayah dan batas negara tidak lagi menjadi ikatan dalam berinvestasi. Dunia sudah terhubungkan melalui jaringan internet dan perbankan yang mengglobal. Percayakah Anda bahkan materi sekolah ini pun dibuat oleh penulis hanya melalui sebuah komputer di kamar tidur sambil duduk di atas kasur nan empuk? Dengan kenyamanan yang luar biasa di rumah, kurikulum sekolah ini telah dinikmati oleh ribuan orang dimana saja. Memang daerah terpencil “sedikit” terisolasi untuk sektor riil. Namun bukan berarti sektor keuangan juga. Kemarin memang terpencil, tapi setelah ada internet dan telepon maka dunia Anda tidak lagi terisolir. Jadi berbahagialah!

Kebenarannya: Lalu mengapa kita harus berpikir bahwa jarak membatasi kita berinvestasi? Sepanjang ada institusi perbankan di tempat Anda dan Anda memiliki jaringan telepon bahkan internet maka investasi sektor keuangan tidak perlu lagi pergi ke kantor-kantor pialang atau sekuritas tempat dimana Anda berinvestasi. Hanya awalnya pastikan kantor tempat Anda hendak berinvestasi adalah resmi dan memiliki izin pemerintahan setempat (tidak harus di Indonesia lho!). Sisanya, urus melalui telepon dan email! Bahkan perusahaan pialang luar negeri telah melayani pembukaan account forex dari berbagai negara di dunia dengan memberikan form pendaftaran online. Belajar Forex pun dikerjakan secara online. Jadi tidak perlu lagi merasa kehilangan kesempatan!
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Hadi Yanuar

Trading Forex Long Term atau Sort Term?

Trading jangka panjang (long term trading) dan trading jangka pendek (short term trading), manakah yang lebih baik? Pada umumnya para trader lebih menyukai melakukan trading secara harian (short term trading) untuk mengambil target profit beberapa pips saja dan melakukan trading beberapa kali dalam 1 hari. Namun yang menjadi kesulitannya adalah mencoba untuk bisa konsisten meraih profit yang Anda inginkan. Kesabaran untuk bisa mengambil 20 – 30 pips setiap hari dan mengulanginya secara terus menerus, akan membuat Anda bosan. Dan pada akhirnya membuat kesalahan yang berujung pada floating loss yang besar.

Sebenarnya jika Anda bisa secara konsisten melakukan hal tersebut – yaitu dengan cara menentukan target profit harian Anda – maka Anda akan bisa mengontrol cara trading Anda dan profit Anda tentunya. Jika terjadi suatu trend yang panjang (long term), namun dalan kurun waktu yang pendek (short term) memang sering kali membuat Anda merasa ragu, apakah ini benar-benar bisa diandalkan. Dan Anda tak akan pernah tahu kapan waktunya suatu trend akan berbalik arah, hal ini tentunya sangat beresiko karena akan mengancam profit yang sudah Anda kumpulkan. Oleh karenanya sangat sedikit trader yang bermain secara long term, mungkin ini salah satu penyebabnya.

Long term trading membutuhkan pengetahuan fundamental ekonomi yang sangat rumit. Fundamnetal ekonomi membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama untuk menggalinya. Pengetahuan mengenai fundamental ekonomi merupakan satu langkah maju, namun mengaplikasinya dalam forex trading adalah persoalan lain yang mungkin membuat Anda bingung. Long term trading biasanya membutuhkan aksi yang lebih sedikit karena momentum atau trend yang besar tidak setiap hari terjadi. Gaya trading seperti ini tidak cocok bagi trader yang hanya mengandalkan keberutungan saja. Jika Anda piker kembali, long term trader sebenarnya lebih punya kesempatan mencetak profit daripada shor term trader.

Namun apapun alasannya, Anda bisa meraih profit baik dari short term trading maupun long term trading asalkan Anda punya dasar pengetahuan untuk melakukan analisa secara teknikal maupun fundamental. Antara kedua system trading tersebut, manakah yang lebih baik? Tentunya ini sangat bergantung dengan gaya Anda masing-masing. Yang jelas, pilihlah strategi forex Anda dan lakukan secara konsisten untuk meraih profit dalam forex trading. Evaluasi system trading yang Anda gunakan dan terus belajar forex untuk meningkatkan kemampuam trading Anda.

Selamat menentukan gaya trading Anda. :)
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Minggu, 24 Mei 2015

Hadi Yanuar

Different between Ilustrator with Photoshop

Differences in Illustrator vs. Photoshop — Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop are always compared which is better and which one is more useful, both are a product of Adobe, and adobe makes it unlikely the two softwares if function and its use is the same.

So Illustrator and Photoshop are two different software, Illustrator first created compared to Photoshop, in terms of functionality is also different, where more enabled to make Illustrator graphics as vector and Photoshop is used for photo editing.

Besides that Illustrator is considered faster in data storage process, whereas Photoshop is considered more slowly.

To better facilitate you to understand the difference, you can see the difference visually in a project created by designers from India named M. A. Kather following it :


Now, you know what the different. Take advantage of it to create your outstanding works
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Hadi Yanuar

Intel Skylake Launch Schedule Leaked – Skylake-S, Skylake-Y, Skylake-H and Skylake-U Will Launch in September 2015

Intel Skylake is yet again the highlight of the day as a roadmap that details the launch schedule of the 6th gen processors has been leaked ahead of launch. The roadmap which was leaked by Chinese websites gives a clear insight on the desktop series which is going to be announced at IDF ’15 and will be launched in the consumer market just a month later, in September. Along with the desktop series, Intel is going to bring a massive update to its entire mobility lineup which is detailed in the article.

Intel Skylake Processors Launch Schedule Leaked – Hits Retail Market In September 2015

The Skylake lineup includes several SKUs, powering the desktop side would be the Skylake-S series, the Skylake-Y series would power the Core M based processors aimed at ultra low TDP devices, the Skylake-U processors will be offered in the more mainstream mobility devices while the Skylake-H series will consist of the high-end, performance focused mobility chips that will include both regular HQ variants along with Xeon processors for consumers demanding extra workstation capabilities on developer notebooks.

The lineup definitely includes a lot of processors and Intel will make Skylake their most fastest and biggest shift from their previous generation of processor lineup codenamed Broadwell. Broadwell is going to launch on 2nd June 2015, during Computex however listings of the processors along with a few Skylake-S series chips can be already found on several online retailers. The schedule was revealed by one of our key sources and also reported by site, Benchlife, which goes into several details or the related Skylake series SKUs.

Intel Skylake-S Series Processors

Intel Skylake-S series is the name for the desktop specific processors which will be compatible with the LGA 1151 socket and 100-series motherboards. These processors have previously been confirmed to be arriving in Q3 2015 however, they will make two appearances during the third quarter. In August, Intel plans to announce them at their IDF ’15 even in San Francisco while the chips and motherboards will be available in retail markets during September 2015. We have seen some listings appear online for a few Skylake processors however they are part of the tray samples which are currently circulating the market and not actual retail chips. The Skylake-S lineup will consist of several 95/65/35W chips featuring Quad and Dual core designs along with Gen9 GT2 graphics.

Intel 95W “Enthusiast” Skylake-S Processors (Core i7-6700K / Core i5-6600K)

The first two processors that include the Core i7-6700K and Core i5-6600K were leaked a few days ago and are labeled as “Enthusiast” 95W processors. Starting off with the flagship Core i7-6700K CPU, we are looking at a quad core design with eight threads which shows a multi-threaded design. The chip features 8 MB of L3 cache and has clock speeds maintained at 4.0 GHz base and 4.2 GHz boost clock. The chip can support DDR4 2133 MHz memory and DDR3L 1600 MHz memory.

Similarly, the Core i5-6600K is the more cost conservative enthusiast offering and being a quad core, it stays away from a multi-threaded path. The clock speeds are maintained at 3.5 GHz base and 3.9 GHz boost and has a total of 6 MB of L3 cache with similar DDR4/DDR3L memory support as the top offering.

These Skylake processors will have several features that include increase IA and graphics performance at much lower power than their predecessors. While the TDP remains 95W, Intel has further improved the efficiency of these new chips hence delivering much better performance. The Skylake processors will support both DDR3L and DDR4 memory types. The DDR3L memory will be available on the mini-PC designs such as All-in-ones and NUCs while traditional PCs which will get Z170 and H170 series motherboards will have native support for DDR4 DIMMs. The unlocked processors options which are also the Enthusiast CPUs as detailed above will allow enhanced full range BCLK overclocking. Hopefully, Intel will use better TIM or Soldering to prevent any heating issues on the dense 14nm chips. Other features includes Turbo Boost 2.0, Hyper Threading, DMI 3.0, 3 digital displays capability (including embedded Display Ports), HEVC, VP8, VVP9, AMCs and support for the latest APIs such as DirectX 12, OpenGL 4.3/4.4 and OpenCL 2.0. We have already seen Z170 motherboards from Colorful with the LGA 1151 socket in full details.

Intel 65W “Mainstream” Skylake-S Processors (Core i7 / Core i5)

Coming to the mainstream lineup, we are looking at 4 chips which include the Core i7-6700 that features same specifications as the Core i7-6700K but doesn’t come in an unlocked package. Similarly, the Core i5-6600 also has the same specifications as seen on the unlocked model but without the K-Series design that allows over-clocking support. Clocks for the Core i7-6700 are maintained at 3.4 GHz base and 4.0 GHz boost while the Core i5-6600 is clocked at 3.3 GHz base and 3.9 GHz boost. The Core i5-6500 is a quad core clocked at 3.2 GHz base and 3.6 GHz boost while the Core i5-6400 is a quad core clocked at 2.7 GHz base and 3.3 GHz boost. All of these chips feature a 65W TDP and the Core i5 models pack 6 MB of L3 cache while the Core i7 model gets 8 MB L3 cache.

Intel 35W “Low TDP” Skylake-S Processors (Core i7 / Core i5)

Over at the more power efficient side, Intel will launch 4 T-Series chips which stand for low-power. All chips feature just 35W TDP and include Core i7-6700T as a multi-threaded quad core with 2.8 GHz base and 3.6 GHz boost clock. It packs 8 MB of L3 cache. The Core i5 models range from the Core i5-6600T, Core i5-6500T and Core i5-6400T featuring 6 MB of L3 cache, quad core (non-multithreaded designs) and boost speeds ranging from 2.8 to 3.6 GHz.

 Intel Skylake-H Series Processors

The Skylake-H series processors are aimed at more performance focused mobility devices with several quad and dual core designs. In this series, we will be looking at some very high-end and faster clocked HQ/HK/H variants along with Xeon mobility chips that will power workstation suited notebooks. The processors in the lineup include the Core i7-6920HQ, Core i7-6820HQ, Core i7-6280HK, Core i7-6700HQ, Core i5-6300HQ, Core i5-6440HQ and the Core i3-6100H. The Xeon mobility side includes the Xeon E3-1535M v5 and Xeon E3-1505M V5. This is after a long time that Intel will launch proper Xeon E5 chips for the mobility platforms. Launch of these chips are expected in September for the first series of chips than November will see the launch of the faster Core i7 chips along with the Xeon parts.

Intel Skylake-U Series Processors

The Intel Skylake-U series will replace the Broadwell-U series processors which currently has the Core i7-5500U as the flagship part. The lineup will get three processors, Core i7-6500U, Core i5-6200U and Core i3-6100U in September 2015 and Core i7-6600U, Core i5-6300U in January 2016. All of the processors are dual core models and specifications are not know at the moment in regards to clocks speeds, TDPs and graphics unit but the Core i7-6600U will be the flagship part of this lineup which are aimed at the main stream notebook devices.

Intel Skylake-Y Series Processors

Lastly, we will also have an update to the Core M or Y-Series processors. This lineup will see the launch of several chips in the timeframe from Q3 2015 to Q1 2016. Intel will first launch the Core M-6Y75, Core M-6Y54 and Core M-6Y30 in September 2015. The next lineup will have Core M-6Y85 and Core M-6Y57 as the new updated parts for January 2016. These processors will be dual core designs with multi-threading enabled. While Broadwell Core M series showed these chips in the 4.5W segment, Skylake will further tone it down while bringing far better performance per watt due to IPC increases.

ASUS 100-Series Motherboards Spotted – Include Sabertooth Z170 and Maximus VIII Extreme

Aside from the launch schedule, Benchlife also seems to have gotten their hands on the first listings of 100-series motherboards from ASUS. ASUS will launch 21 new motherboards which include the following:

    ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming
    ASUS Z170-A
    ASUS Z170-Deluxe
    ASUS Z170-G
    ASUS Z170i Pro Gaming
    ASUS Z170-K
    ASUS Z170M-E
    ASUS Z170-P
    ASUS Z170-Pro
    ASUS Sabertooth Z170
    ASUS Maximus VIII Extreme
    ASUS Maximus VIII Gene
    ASUS Maximus Hero
    ASUS H170 Pro Gaming
    ASUS H170-I Plus
    ASUS H170M-E
    ASUS H170M-Plus
    ASUS H170-Plus
    ASUS H110H4-TM
    ASUS H110i-Plus
    ASUS H110M-C

These motherboards will launch with the Skylake-S platform in September. Motherboards from other manufacturers such as ASRock and EVGA have also been confirmed a few weeks ago that include the Z170 Extreme4/C, Z170 Extreme6, Z170 Extreme7, Z170 Extreme7/ac.

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Kamis, 21 Mei 2015

Hadi Yanuar

5 Tips for Creating the Perfect Web design

Creating the perfect web design or perfect is no easy task even as it is very difficult for some people, and this is far from the mere looks beautiful, but should also be rich in content. Here are five tips to help you get started making it.

1. Know your market
Research or research is the basis of every project of graphic design – web design at its core is the same. Get information about the market will give you a better understanding of the trends in this industry. Knowing the purpose of the website and to target visitors of the website will help you to decide what elements should be there and what shouldn't, and staining and other things.

2. Create a simple Se-may
You never get a second chance to make a first impression! This is true in all respects. The brain prefers to think of things that are easy to think about – so website design with simple, clear navigation structure and look at any page of that user are important to note. You can use the first page/home page as a portal to other areas of the site; create a snapshot or a brief description of the website created.

3. The Balance Between Art and Science
Using a structured grid will help create order and consistency. A grid specifies the elements that appear in the same position throughout the website, such as the logo and navigation. However, everything depends on the grid too can make the design look monotonous, so it's a bit out of the grid rules with text, testimonials and images would make websites attractive to look at, make sure you devote the science surrounding the balanced with the soul of web art you have.

4. The user may be located As the top priority
Make the user feel that the time they spend visiting your site is futile is also very important, permudah they find the information that is in the website so that they are not bored and wasted time. As mentioned in point 3, use the grid system to establish trust in the eyes of the user, allowing them to find information and navigate the site easily.

5. Make sure the Unsightly
Note the details of web design, make sure the pixels on an image look perfect or perfect, and pictures look sharp, clean and has a good contrast. And don't forget to test your site in several different browsers and in several different devices as well to make sure your website looks good in all devices, if less certainly should be optimized again.
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Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Hadi Yanuar

About Lines on Design

The type of line in graphic design – there are a lot of design elements to be you know, if you read the writings of previous design magazine about elements in graphic design then you will find that the line or line became one of the important elements in the design.

A line is an element of graphic design that connects between a point by point points points more so it could be in the shape of a curved line drawing (curve) or straight (straight). The line is the basic elements used to build a shape or design.

The following are some types of lines that you need to know and their meanings or their meaning:

Horizontal: suggesting peace or anything that does not move.
Vertical: stability, strength or magnificence.
Diagional: unstable, something that moves or dynamics.
Curved S: Grace, elegance.
Zig-zag: Passionate, spirited, fast motion or dynamics.
Bending up right: sad, lethargic or sorrow.
Diminishing Perspective: The distance, distance, longing and so on.
Concentric Arcs: expansion, the movement expands, excitement etc.
Pyramide: Stable, magnificent, powerful or massive force.
Conflicting Diagonal: War, conflict, hatred and confusion.
Spiral: the birth or generative forces.
Rhytmic horizontals: Lazy, tranquillity and fun.
Swirls upward: fervour, fired with zeal, passion grows.
Upward Spray: growth, spontaneity, idealism.
Inverted Perspective: the vastness of infinite, absolute freedom, widening is not obstructed.
Water Fall: waterfalls, rhythmic style, drop the weight.
Rounded Arch round Archs: impressive robustness.
Rhytmic Curves: Weak supply, joy.
Gothic Archs: belief and religious.
Radiation Lines: Centrality, peletupan or eruption.

Hopefully can add to your knowledge about the world of design
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Hadi Yanuar

Chasing Computer - Define R5 Blackout Edition


For you all gamers who are looking for a Motherboard for your computer cashing, try on this one. Blackout Edition, in addition to the stylish is also designed for you the hardcore gamers. Cashing is indeed created Black Edition this time in accordance with the Blackout. As we know, Fractal Design is one of the manufacturers Cashing in enough PC gaming world.

In addition to the stylish design, Cashing is also designed to reduce the heat of your PC. Define R5 Blackout Edition released two kinds of standard Edition as well as Blackout Blackout Edition Window Edition. The difference is, Window Edition will make the contents of your PC look transparent, so you can show off your Motherboard content. Well, the great thing is Cashing is equipped with a suppressor so fan-cooling fan in Cashing this will not sound. Interested in buying this when it's marketed?

Key features

  • Optimally designed for silent computing, while not compromising on airflow and cooling capabilities.  
  • Extensive water cooling support for a case of this size; housing radiators up to 420mm in the top and 360mm in the front.
  • Equipped with new tool-less ModuVent™ fan slot covers allowing the user to install more fans if desired or keep fan slots covered to maximize sound absorption.
  • Including two all-black Fractal Design Dynamic GP14 140mm fans developed for superlative airflow while still maintaining low noise levels.
  • Maintaining a dust-free interior with the help of dust filters that cover front and bottom air intakes that are easy to access from the front on the case.
  • Newly configured front door with dual side mounting to better fit your work space
  • Highlighting 2 dedicated SSD mounts cleanly placed behind the motherboard tray that feature innovative new brackets delivering a tool-free installation and removal
  • The HDD cage system holds up to eight 3.5” or 2.5” drives and is more adaptable than ever, allowing the user to modify the case layout according to personal preference with more places to relocate the cages
  • The ODD cage can easily be removed to gain additional interior space; the area can be freed up to allow for increased airflow, to provide a new place for HDD cage mounting or to make more room for water cooling components.
  • Sturdy metal HDD trays provide excellent dampening features for the hard drives while providing better airflow through the cage with an updated, more open design
  • The new and innovative Quick Release System on the left side of the case provides secure mounting of the left side panel, yet grants quick and easy access to the system.
  • Three-speed fan controller is strategically integrated in the front panel and supports up to 3 fans.
  • Define R5 Blackout edition is available with window side panel


  • ATX, Micro ATX, Mini ITX motherboard compatibility
  • 7 expansion slots
  • 2 - 5.25" bays (removable)
  • 8 - 3.5" HDD positions (can also accommodate 2.5" units); 2 - 2.5" dedicated SSD unit positions
  • 4 - ModuVent™ plates - three in the top and one in the side
  • 9 - fan positions (2 all-black Fractal Design Dynamic GP14 140mm fans included)
  • Filtered fan slots in the front and bottom
  • CPU coolers up to 180mm in height
  • ATX PSUs up to 190/170 mm with a bottom 120/140mm fan installed; when not using any bottom fan location longer PSUs up to 300mm can be used
  • Graphics cards up to 310 mm in length with the top HDD cage installed; with the top cage removed, graphics cards up to 440 mm in length may be installed
  • 20 - 35 mm of space for cable routing behind the motherboard plate
  • Velcro straps included for easy cable management
  • Front door can switch opening direction via dual mounting system
  • Left side panel features Quick Release System for easy access and provides a secure closure of side panel
  • Right side panel features smart captive thumbscrews so no thumbscrews are lost
  • Colours available: Black
  • Case dimensions (WxHxD): 232 x 451 x 521mm
  • Case dimensions - with feet/screws/protrusions: 232 x 462 x 531mm
  • Net weight: 11.2 kg
  • Package dimensions (WxHxD): 327 x 615 x 540mm
  • Package weight: 12.8 kg

Cooling system

  • Front: 2 – 120/140 mm fans (included is 1 all-black Fractal Design Dynamic GP14 fan, 1000 RPM speed)
  • Rear: 1 – 120/140 mm fan (included is 1 all-black Fractal Design Dynamic GP14 fan, 1000 RPM speed)
  • Top: 3 - 120/140 mm fan (not included)
  • Bottom: 2 – 120/140 mm fan (not included)
  • Side: 1 – 120/140 mm fan (not included)
  • Fan controller: 3 step fan controller for up to 3 fans
  • Dust filters: Bottom and front intakes

Water cooling compatibility

  • Front – 360, 280, 240, 140 and 120 mm radiators of all thicknesses (requires removal of drive bays)
  • Top – 420, 360, 280, 240, 140 and 120 mm radiators. (A thickness limitation of 55mm for both radiator + fan applies on 420, 280 and 140 mm radiators) (420 and 360 mm radiators require removal of the ODD bay)
  • Bottom – 120 or 240 mm radiator (Use of radiators in the bottom position limits the PSU length to 165 mm)
  • Rear – 120 or 140 mm radiator

Front interface

  • 2 USB 3.0 + 2 USB 2.0
  • Audio in/out
  • Power button with LED (white)
  • HDD activity LED (white)
  • Reset button

Package contents

  • Define R5 Blackout Edition computer case
  • User manual
  • Accessory box

Additional information

  • EAN/GTIN-13: 7350041083276
  • UPC: 817301013277
  • Product code: FD-CA-DEF-R5-BKO
  • Available for System Integrators
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Hadi Yanuar

Yang Harus Gamer Ketahui Dari Echo of Soul

Seperti yang sudah para gamer ketahui, Echo of Soul akan rilis di Indonesia oleh Gemscool. Rencananya, tahap Closed Beta Test akan dimulai pada bulan Oktober nanti. Sambil menunggu, ternyata Gemscool telah membocorkan beberapa rahasia yang belum para gamer ketahui pada game ini. Langsung saja yuk kita simak bersama-sama!

Echo of Soul atau yang disingkat EoS merupakan sebuah MMORPG yang membawa para gamer untuk berperan sebagai Arcana yang ditugaskan oleh para dewa untuk memerangi kegelapan. Game yang dikembangkan oleh Nvius ini ternyata telah rilis di Korea Selatan sejak 11 September 2013 yang kemudian diikuti oleh Tiongkok pada 31 Oktober 2014 dan Amerika Utara pada tanggal 4 Mei 2015.

Hal yang berbeda dari EoS adalah munculnya istilah "No Healer, Fight Only" yang semakin menegaskan akan ada sistem pertarungan berbeda di dalam game yang tidak melibatkan class Healer sama sekali. Oleh karena itu, ini hanya akan menjadi pertempuran lima class di EoS, yaitu Rogue, Archer, Warrior, Sorceress dan juga Guardian.

Selain class, terdapat fitur lain (profesi) yang mendukung pertempuran para gamer di Echo of Soul, yaitu Resource Collector, Alchemist dan Jeweler. Fitur profesi juga akan diperkuat dengan 2 hobi yang bisa para gamer pilih, antara Chef dan Soul Master. Sehingga para gamer akan merasakan pengalaman pertempuran yang berbeda dengan hadirnya pilihan profesi dan hobi di Echo of Soul.

Echo of Soul juga menjanjikan dunia yang luas dengan 6 map unik. Serangkaian mode battle PvP dari 5 vs 5 sampai dengan 15 vs 15, hingga Guild vs Guild akan mewarnai serunya adu strategi pertempuran di dalam game tersebut. Selain itu, fitur PvE seperti Solo Dungeon, Party Dungeon dan Infinite Dungeon dengan berbagai tingkat kesulitannya akan membuat para gamer semakin bersemangat main bersama dengan teman-teman kalian.

Terakhir, para gamer juga tidak akan pernah cepat bosan, karena EoS menyajikan 1600 Quest yang bisa para gamer taklukkan di dalam game tersebut.
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Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

Hadi Yanuar

Ranking the 10 Best Linux Server Operating Systems

You know that Linux is a hot data center server. You know it can save you money in licensing and maintenance costs. But that still leaves the question of what your best options Linux Server Distros are for Linux as a server operating system.
The Top 10 Linux server operating system distros ranked by ease of use, cost, available support and data center reliability.
We've researched, crunched the numbers and put dozens of Linux distros through their paces to compile our latest list of the top ten Linux server distributions (aka "Linux server distros") — some of which you may not be aware.
The following characteristics, in no particular order, qualified a Linux server distro for inclusion in this list: ease of installation and use, cost, available commercial support and data center reliability.
Without further ado, here are the top 10 Linux server operating systems for 2015:

1. Ubuntu Ubuntu

At the top of almost every Linux-related list, the Debian-based Ubuntu is in a class by itself. Canonical's Ubuntu surpasses all other Linux server distributions — from its simple installation to its excellent hardware discovery to its world-class commercial support, Ubuntu sets a strong standard that is hard to match.
The latest release of Ubuntu, Ubuntu 15.04 "Vivid Vervet," debuted in April 2015 and ups the ante with OpenStack Kilo support and Snappy, an optimized packaging system developed specifically for working with newer trends and technologies such as containers, mobile and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Ubuntu's Long Term Support (LTS) version, which is released every two years and includes five years of commercial support for the Ubuntu Server edition, was last updated in April 2014 as Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Red Hat

While Red Hat started out as the "little Linux company that could," its Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) server operating system is now a major force in the quest for data center rackspace. The Linux darling of large companies throughout the world, Red Hat's innovations and non-stop support, including ten years of support for major releases, will keep you coming back for more.
RHEL is based on the community-driven Fedora, which Red Hat sponsors. Fedora is updated more frequently than RHEL and serves as more of a bleeding-edge Linux distro in terms of features and technology, but it doesn't offer the stability or the length and quality of commercial support that RHEL is renowned for.
In development since 2010, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7) made its official debut in June 2014, and the major update offers scalability improvements for enterprises, including a new filesystem that can scale to 500 terabytes, as well as support for Docker container virtualization technology. The most recent release of RHEL, version 7.1, arrived in March 2015.

3. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SUSE Linux

The Micro Focus-owned (but independently operated) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) is stable, easy to maintain and offers 24x7 rapid-response support for those who don't have the time or patience for lengthy troubleshooting calls. And the SUSE consulting teams will have you meeting your SLAs and making your accountants happy to boot.
Similar to how Red Hat's RHEL is based on the open-source Fedora distribution, SLES is based on the open-source openSUSE Linux distro, with SLES focusing on stability and support over leading-edge features and technologies.
The most recent release, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (SLES 12), debuted in late October 2014 and introduced new features like framework for Docker, full system rollback, live kernel patching enablement and software modules for "increasing data center uptime, improving operational efficiency and accelerating the adoption of open source innovation," according to SUSE.

4. CentOS CentOS

If you operate a website through a web hosting company, there's a very good chance your web server is powered by CentOS Linux. This low-cost clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux isn't strictly commercial, but since it's based on RHEL, you can leverage commercial support for it.
Short for Community Enterprise Operating System, CentOS has largely operated as a community-driven project that used the RHEL code, removed all Red Hat’s trademarks, and made the Linux server OS available for free use and distribution.
In 2014 the focus shifted following Red Hat and CentOS announcing they would collaborate going forward and that CentOS would serve to address the gap between the community-innovation-focused Fedora platform and the enterprise-grade, commercially-deployed Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform.
CentOS will continue to deliver a community-oriented operating system with a mission of helping users develop and adopt open source technologies on a Linux server distribution that is more consistent and conservative than Fedora's more innovative role. At the same time, CentOS will remain free, with support provided by the community-led CentOS project rather than through Red Hat. CentOS released CentOS 7 in March 2015, which is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1.

5. Debian Debian

If you're confused by Debian's inclusion here, don't be. Debian doesn't have formal commercial support but you can connect with Debian-savvy consultants around the world via their Consultants page. Debian originated in 1993 and has spawned more child distributions than any other parent Linux distribution, including Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Vyatta.
Debian remains a popular option for those who value stability over the latest features. The latest version of Debian, Debian 8 "jessie," debuted in April 2015, and will be supported for five years. Debian 8 marks the switch to the systemd init system over the old SysVinit init system, and includes the latest releses of the Linux Kernel, Apache, LibreOffice, Perl, Python, Xen Hypervisor, GNU Compiler Collection and the GNOME and Xfce desktop environments.

6. Oracle Linux

If you didn't know that Oracle produces its own Linux distribution, you're not alone. Oracle Linux (formerly Oracle Enterprise Linux) Oracle Linux Server is Red Hat Enterprise Linux fortified with Oracle's own special Kool-Aid as well as various Oracle logos and art added in.
Oracle's Linux competes directly with Red Hat's Linux server distributions, and does so quite effectively since purchased support through Oracle is half the price of Red Hat's equivalent model.
Optimized for Oracle's database services, Oracle Linux is a heavy contender in the enterprise Linux market. If you run Oracle databases and want to run them on Linux, you know the drill: Call Oracle. The latest release of Oracle Linux, version 7.1, arrived in March 2015 and is based on RHEL 7.1.

7. Mageia / Mandriva

Mageia and Mandriva Linux Mageia is an open-source-based fork of Mandriva Linux that made its debut in 2011. The most recent release, Mageia 4, became available in February 2014, and Mageia 5 is expected in mid-2015.
For U.S.-based executive or technical folks, Mageia and its predecessor Mandriva might be a bit foreign. The incredibly well-constructed Mandriva Linux distribution hails from France and enjoys extreme acceptance in Europe and South America. The Mandriva name and its construction derive from the Mandrake Linux and Connectiva Linux distributions.
Mageia maintains the strengths of Mandriva while continuing its development with new features and capabilities, as well as support from the community organization Mageia.Org. Mageia updates are typically released on a 9-month release cycle, with each release supported for two cycles (18 months). As for Mandriva Linux, the Mandriva SA company continues its business Linux server projects, which are now based on Mageia code.

8. ClearOS ClearOS

ClearOS is an open-source Linux operating system based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS that combines a server, network and gateway plaform. Formerly called ClarkConnect, ClearOS has gained traction as a viable Linux server option, particularly in the small business market. With its highly touted administration interfaces and superior documentation, ClearOS serves as an ideal option for less-experienced admins or for anyone looking to get up and running on a Linux server OS quickly and without a lot of fuss.
ClearOS offers a free, open source Community edition as well as an inexpensive Professional version that includes a range of support options and additional features. The Clear Foundation maintains ClearOS and the ClearCenter Marketplace, which serves as an app store with both free and paid apps for extending the capabilities of ClearOS.
The latest release of ClearOS, ClearOS 6.6, became available for download in February 2015. The ClearOS 6 series offers new apps and features such as 64-bit support, a graphical installer, QoS for prioritizing network traffic, network mapping and the ClearCenter Marketplace.

9. Arch Linux Arch Linux

A simple, lightweight Linux distribution, Arch Linux is definitely designed with more competent Linux users in mind. Arch Linux doesn't provide the level of support and ease of use that other Linux server operating systems offer, but that doesn't mean it can't be used as a viable server for more experienced administrators. Those interested in giving Arch a spin as a streamlined server are encouraged to start with the Arch Linux Server site.
Like the Gentoo Linux distro, Arch Linux utilizes a rolling release model, which means regular system updates are all that are needed to keep current with the latest Arch Linux components and packages. Arch Linux's home-grown 'packman' package manager provides updates to the latest software applications with full dependency tracking, and Arch Linux updates tend to follow the pace of Linux kernel releases in order to provide optimal hardware support.

10. Slackware Slackware Linux

While not generally associated with commercial distributions, Slackware maintains relationships with several companies that provide fee-based support. One of the earliest available Linux server distributions with its orginal release in 1993, Slackware has an extensive and faithful fan base. Its developers regularly release new versions, with the most recent, Slackware 14.1, announced in March 2015.
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Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015

Hadi Yanuar

Top 10 Enterprise Database Systems to Consider in 2015

How far back does your knowledge of databases go — late-1980s, mid-1990s, five years ago? If so, you might not recognize some of the old timers in this list. You'll also do a double take if you didn't know many of them have their roots in the mid-to-late 1970s. It would be hard to argue that the database market is not mature.

It's also highly competitive, and enterprise database systems come packed with features from hot backups to high-availability to extensive cloud services. These database systems range in price from free to tens of thousands of dollars.

There's no single correct answer for every data problem. Nor is there a perfect database system; each has its own set of features and shortcomings. Here's a primer of the top enterprise database systems on the market in 2015 to help you determine which solution will likely work best for you.

1. Oracle

Oracle began its journey in 1979 as the first commercially available relational database management system (RDBMS). Oracle's name is synonymous with enterprise database systems, unbreakable data delivery and fierce corporate competition from CEO Larry Ellison. Powerful but complex database solutions are the mainstay of this Fortune 500 company.

The current release of Oracle's RDBMS is Oracle 12c. The "c" stands for cloud and is reflective of Oracle's work in extending its enterprise RDBMS to enable firms to consolidate and manage databases as cloud services when needed via Oracle's multitenant architecture and in-memory data processing capabilities.

2. SQL Server

Say what you may about Microsoft, but its profitability exceeds all other tech companies, and SQL Server helped put it there. Sure, Microsoft's desktop operating system is everywhere, but if you're running a Microsoft Server, you're likely running SQL Server on it.

SQL Server's ease of use, availability and tight Windows operating system integration makes it an easy choice for firms that choose Microsoft products for their enterprises. Currently, Microsoft promotes SQL Server 2014 as theplatform for both on-premises and cloud databases and business intelligence solutions.

Microsoft also touts SQL Server 2014 in helping enterprises build mission-critical applications with high-performance, in-memory security technology across OLTP (online transaction processing), data warehousing, business intelligence and analytics.

3. IBM DB2

Big Blue puts the big into data centers with DB2. The latest release of DB2, DB2 10.5, runs on Linux, UNIX, Windows, the IBM iSeries and mainframes. IBM has pitted its DB2 system squarely in competition with Oracle's, via the International Technology Group, and the results showed significant cost savings for those that migrate to DB2 from Oracle. How significant? How does 34 percent to 39 percent for comparative installations over a three-year period sound?

IBM DB2 10.5, or the DB2 "Cancun Release," is also the only database fully optimized for the IBM Power Systems POWER8 processor and the company's Power 8 server systems.

4. SAP Sybase ASE

Sybase is still a major force in the enterprise market after 25 years of success and improvements to its Adaptive Server Enterprise product. Although its market share dwindled for a few years, it has seen a bump in the next-generation transaction processing space following being acquired by Sybase in 2010 and relabeled as SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE). Sybase has also thrown a considerable amount of weight behind the mobile enterprise by delivering partnered solutions to the mobile device market.

5. PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL, or simply Postgres, is an open-source object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) that hides in such interesting places as online gaming applications, data center automation suites and domain registries. PostgreSQL also enjoys some high-profile duties at Skype and Yahoo! PostgreSQL is in so many strange and obscure places that it might deserve the moniker, "Best Kept Enterprise Database Secret." PostgreSQL's current stable release is 9.4.x.

PostgreSQL runs on a wide variety of operating systems, including Linux, Windows, FreeBSD and Solaris. And as of OS X 10.7 Lion, Mac OS X features PostgreSQL as its standard default database in the server edition. PostgreSQL benefits from more than 25 years of development as a free, open-source database system, and it includes enterprise-grade features comparable to Oracle and DB2 such as full ACID compliance for transaction reliability and Multi-Version Concurrency Control for supporting high concurrent loads.

6. MariaDB Enterprise

MariaDB Enterprise is a fully open source database system, with all code released under GPL, LGPL or BSD. MariaDB originated in 2009 as a community-driven fork of the MySQL RDBMS and is led by the original developers of MySQL, who created the fork following concerns over MySQL's acquisition by Oracle. The current stable series of MariaDB Enterprise is powered by MariaDB 10.x.

MariaDB has seen its popularity explode recently at the expense of MySQL, particularly in its support by popular Linux distributions. In 2013 alone, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) ditched MySQL for MariaDB, Fedora opted for MariaDB over MySQL in its Fedora 19 release, and both openSUSE and Slackware Linux made similar switches to MariaDB over MySQL. Wikipedia also adopted MariaDB over MySQL as its backend database in 2013.

Another key factor in moving MariaDB ahead of MySQL is its enhanced query optimizer and other performance-related improvements, which give the database system a noticeable edge in overall performance compared to MySQL.

7. MySQL

MySQL began as a niche database system for developers but grew into a major contender in the enterprise database market. Sold to Sun Microsystems in 2008, MySQL has since become part of the Oracle empire in 2009 following Sun's acquisition by Oracle. More than just a niche database now, MySQL powers commercial websites by the hundreds of thousands, and it also serves as the backend for a huge number of internal enterprise applications.

Today MySQL remains a very popular option for use in Web applications, and it continues to serve as a central compoment of the LAMP open-source Web application software stack, along with Linux, Apache and PHP (or Python or Perl). At the same time, MySQL has seen support from users and developers erode over the last few years following the acquisition by Oracle.

MySQL's decline has helped fuel the adoption of other open-source database options and forks of MySQL like the fully-open source MariaDB, which doesn't feature closed-source modules like some of those found in newer versions of MySQL Enterprise Edition, as well as Percona and the cloud-optimized Drizzle database system.

8. Teradata

Have you ever heard of Teradata? If you've built a large data warehouse in your enterprise, you probably have. As early as the late 1970s, Teradata laid the groundwork for the first data warehouse — before the term even existed. Teradata created the first terabyte database for Wal-Mart in 1992. Since that time, data warehousing experts almost always say Teradata in the same sentence as enterprise data warehouse.

As a Very Large Database (VLDB) system, Teradata's capabilities have made it a great fit for handling emerging enterprise trends like Big Data analytics, business intelligence (BI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). Teradata released version 15 of its RDBMS in early 2014.

9. Informix

Another IBM product in the list, IBM offers a range of Informix database options, starting with entry-level Workgroup and Express Editions and scaling up to an Enterprise Edition, an Enterprise Hypervisor Edition and finally Advanced Workgroup and Enterprise Editions with the Informix Warehouse Accelerator (IWA).

Informix touts its database solutions as being "intelligent databases" for managing Internet of Things (IoT) data, with the ability to seamlessly integrate SQL, NoSQL/JSON, timeseries and spatial data. Often associated with universities and colleges, Informix made the leap to the corporate world to take a No. 1 spot in customer satisfaction. Informix customers often speak highly of its low cost, low maintenance and high reliability.

10. Ingres Ingres

Ingres is the parent open source project of PostgreSQL and other database systems, and it is still around to brag about it. Ingres is all about choice, and in this case choosing might mean lowering your total cost of ownership for an enterprise database system. Other than an attractive pricing structure, Ingres prides itself on its ability to ease your transition from costlier database systems. Ingres also incorporates security features required for HIPPA and Sarbanes Oxley compliance.

Bonus: Amazon's SimpleDB Amazon SimpleDB

Databases and Amazon might at first seem worlds apart, but they aren't, especially in our increasingly cloud-centric world. Amazon's SimpleDB (Simple Database Service) offers enterprises a simple, flexible and inexpensive alternative to traditional database systems. SimpleDB enables users to store and query data items via web services requests, and it boasts scalability, speed, minimal maintenance and Amazon services integration. As part of Amazon's EC2 offering, you can get started with SimpleDB for free.
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