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Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015

Hadi Yanuar

Youtube Gaming Will Be Launched Tomorrow

Google is ready to compete with Amazon by launching Gaming YouTube tomorrow. It was first disclosed in June, YouTube Gaming will be a heavy contender Twitch service owned by Amazon.

These services will support the gamers around the world who want to do a live stream of the game action to the public. Previously, Google reportedly is trying to acquire Twitch from Amazon, but eventually that plan failed so Google set up its services itself (YouTube Gaming).

Twitch currently is the only live streaming services are the most popular for the gamers. Via Twitch, users can do a live stream of the game or watch games other people live. Not to miss, the comments field is also provided for the viewer who wants to comment on the course of the game.

Google claims that they will have more than 25,000 pages of game while Gaming YouTube launched the first time. Like most other Google services YouTube Gaming Service, customizable fit user preferences, habits, and also based on the track record of the video often watchable.

To get as many viewers, Google will also immediately launch a mobile application for YouTube Gaming that will be available through Google Play Store and the iTunes App Store at the moment of launch tomorrow.

Billions of hours

Gaming videos are a big draw for YouTube and the company said its visitors spent billions of hours watching them every month. YouTube's most-followed star Felix Kjellberg, known as PewDiePie, is a gamer too.

"We wanted to create a one-stop shop for all gaming content," YouTube's head of gaming Ryan Wyatt told the BBC.

"At the moment there is a fragmented experience. People go to different places for live content, and YouTube for video on demand.

"We have amazing gamers that don't live stream yet. Now they have that opportunity."


YouTube has been facing competition from services such as Amazon-owned Twitch, which has become the go-to platform for gamers who want to broadcast live.

Hundreds of thousands of people visit Twitch daily to watch live steams of other people playing video games.

YouTube said it had redeveloped its live streaming function for its gaming app, but confirmed that live broadcasts would be subject to its standard copyright checks.

The company's Content ID system will terminate broadcasts if "third-party content" such as music is detected, a feature absent on Twitch.

"There is tension that has arisen over copyright claims on YouTube," said Steve Bailey, games analyst at IHS Technology.

"But some game developers see YouTube as a positive PR opportunity and embrace it. Those that have been very defensive have received bad press."


Image caption PewDiePie has become famous worldwide for his gaming videos

"We're not treating gaming any differently on YouTube. The app is a lens for gaming content, the key thing is discoverability," said YouTube's Mr Wyatt.

"This is a way to focus on gaming videos, aggregate them, but YouTube doesn't change. You can still watch gaming videos on YouTube."

Mr Wyatt said the new live streaming platform could have wider uses in the future.

"We created a live platform that will benefit all of YouTube," he said. "I can picture sports, beauty tutorials, live cooking streams."

Gaming is not the first topic to get a specialist offering from YouTube. The site is trialling a music service called Music Key, and has also launched a curated app for children in the US.

"Gaming is a specialist topic but YouTube is a generalist outlet," he said. "Establishing a new platform means it can skew the features to better suit gamers," said Mr Bailey.

"Competitors such as Daily Motion and Twitch will continue to emerge and YouTube has to keep up."
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Minggu, 23 Agustus 2015

Hadi Yanuar

The Basic Of Creating Responsive Web Design

 Create a website that's difficult-responsive hard easily, it would be easier if you know what the main thing to note when a website wants to make responsive.

Logically is simple, website, who had had a few columns will typically widen when opened in smaller devices like the tablet or smartphone. Well for that needs to be regulated so that multiple columns is proportional when it opened in a smaller device, for example by changing the column was two columns into one column only, extends down.

Responsive design is a website design that makes the technique can perform properly if opened in different browsers with different screen sizes.

Some examples of web responsive is The Boston Globe, The Next Web and Legal. If you want to check if a web that's responsive or not yet able to use test tools responsive web.

The basic steps for creating web responsive there are at least three, here are his pace.

1. Define the Meta tags for the Design of Responsive

Mobile browser will usually set the scale of an html page suitable width of the viewport, which eventually website can appear on a mobile screen. You can use the viewport meta tag to reset reset. Tag the viewport itself is used to tell the browser to use the width of the viewport width as a reference device and disable the initial scale. You can include the following meta tag in the <head>.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Browser internet explorer version 8 and lower do not usually support the tag above, you could use the help of the media-queries. js or respons.js in IE with writing the tag as follows.

<!--[if lt IE 9]>    
    <script src=""></script> 

2. Specify the HTML Structure

The second step, namely to determine the structure of HTML websites, usually consists of a header, content, sidebar and footer. For the header usually made his full width and height are adjusted to your needs.

While the content can be specified such as your background and sidebar 660px 300px, so the overall width is 960px.

3. Create Media Queries in CSS For Ordered Browser.

This is the last step that will make your website be responsive, CSS3 capabilities here are already very advanced, we seem able to use conditions (IF) such programming languages like PHP and JS. But here the CSS3 gives only the conditions of how browsers should do the rendering of the page for the viewport that has set its width with CSS3 as below.

The following CSS will send the browser, when the screen width 960px-sized or less than that, then run the script, set the width of the corresponding script. Here the width of the wrapper is set to be 96% of your background layarya. While the content is arranged so that the width is 66% of the width of the screen, and the sidebar width to 30%.
/* If the screen size is 980px or less */

@media screen and (max-width:980px) {
        width: 96%;
        width: 66%;
        width: 30%;

But if screen size 680px only or less, then run another script as below, where the width/width is set to be auto, or automatically follow the width of the screen, as well as the sidebar, made auto also so that its width follow the width of the screen, while his float is set to none so that the div element arrayed down.

/* If the screen size 680px or less from it */

@media screen and (max-width: 680px) {

#maincontent {
width: auto;
float: none;
#sidebar {
width: auto;
float: none;

The next set if the screen size is 480px or less from it (usually this size for mobile phones/smartphones), then we can hide the sidebar and adjust so that the height of the header be auto. All conditions you can specify your own based on your needs.

/* If the screen size is 480px or less */

@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {

#header {
height: auto;
#sidebar {
display: none;


That's some important stages to create a website be responsive, so noteworthy is part of meta tags and the media query in the css so that the website can perform proportional.
Hopefully this brief writing can help you understand the basic steps of website creation responsive.

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Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015

Hadi Yanuar

PipsTycoon : Mendapatkan Dollar Lewat Game

Bermain game adalah hal yang menyenangkan bukan. Nah, apalagi kalau kita bermain game sambil menghasilkan uang. Seperti sekali mendayung, 23 pulau terlampaui :D . Menghabiskan waktu? Tenang saja karena kita disini menghabiskan paling tidak 2-3 menit waktu kita di game, setelah itu bisa melanjutkan pekerjaan lain deh :)

Game Pipstycon

Nama gamenya Pipstycon gan. PipsTycoon adalah simulator ekonomi dan keuangan uang rill build sekitar idea perdagangan sosial. Uang simulator nyata berarti Anda dapat mengubah dolar virtual Anda menjadi lebih nyata kapan saja Anda inginkan. Anda dapat memulai sebuah perusahaan virtual seperti broker forex, masuk ke politik atau ribuan perdagangan aset dunia nyata seperti mata uang, komoditas, cryptocoins atau saham.

Cara Bermain

Jika agan-agan sudah mendaftar, yang perlu agan lakukan adalah WORK setiap harinya dan setelah minimal saldo mencapai $5 atau 0.02 btc dapat kita wd via Bitcoin.
Sehari kita hanya bisa work 1x.Work nya juga tidak susah , hanya klik-klik saja, gak sampe 1 menit kok kliknya.
Dengan melakukan work setiap hari maka level agan akan naik dan penghasilan kita akan semakin besar. makanya jangan pernah bolos work karena cuman butuh waktu 2 s/d 3 menit sehari

Cara Meningkatkan Hasil Work

Gan, kok saat work dapatnya dikit banget?
Ini penjelasannya gan.
Produktivitas adalah termasuk salah satu hal penting. Ingat bahwa gaji yang ditampilkan adalah untuk satu hari kerja adalah untuk bagi pekerja yang memiliki produktivitas 100 % . Jika produktivitas 50 % , Anda hanya akan menerima setengah dari gaji. Begitu seterusnya.

Produktivitas dihitung berdasarkan energi, pengalaman kerja, poin loyalitas . Untuk setiap bulan bermain PipsTycoon , Anda menerima 0,5 Loyalty . Pengalaman meningkatkan 2 poin setelah setiap hari kerja dan mengurangi 1 poin setiap hari .

Rumus produktivitas
Productivity = Energy % Experience + Loyalty

Anda dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dalam 3 cara yaitu :

    meningkatkan energi
    Meningkatkan pengalaman kerja
    Meningkatkan loyalitas Anda

Cara Meningkatkan Energi

Energi adalah sumber utama yang mempengaruhi segala aspek dalam game PipsTycoon. Energi menentukan tingkat pendapatan yang anda hasilkan. Untuk menambah energi dibutuhkan sumber daya

Sumber daya dapat dilihat dibagian market. Sumber daya terdiri dari Food, Wine, Clothes, Jewelry, Cars, Houses yang mengindikasikan tingkat pencapaian energi anda

Meningkatkan Experience Work dan Loyalitas

Work Experience bertambah 2 poin setelah bekerja tiap hari dan berkurang 1 poin tiap hari. Jika anda work pada jenis perusahaan yang sama maka akan naik 2 % per hari . Dan setiap hari menurun di sektor mana Anda tidak bekerja.

Cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak uang adalah bekerja setiap hari di sektor yang sama. Jika selama ini anda kerja diperusahaan roti ya lebih baik tunggu sampai ada perusahaan roti yang mencari pekerja (ingat kita cuma bisa klik work pada antrian perusahaan paling atas yang menawarkan gaji paling tinggi). Untuk meningkatkan Loyalitas cukup dengan bermain game ini saja dan otomatis mendapatkan 0.5 Point perbulannya.

Cara Lain Mendapatkan Penghasilan

Dalam game ini tidak hanya melakukan work saja kita mendapatkan penghasilan gan. Kita dapat menghasilkan uang dollar atau bitcoin dengan cara Membangun Perusahaan atau Trading.

Membangun Perusahaan

Ada banyak perusahaan yang ada di PipsTycoon, mulai dari yang bergerak dibidang Sumber Daya Alam, Bahan Baku, Material, Barang Jadi Konsumen, Jasa, & Pertambangan.

Saat membuka perusahaan, anda diawal harus membayar pajak selama 1 bulan. Besaran pajak tergantung tingkat perusahaan yang akan anda bangun, mulai dari $1 sampai $25 per bulan.
Setelah itu anda harus menyiapkan Peralatan Kerja dan juga membayar harga Pabrik. Biasanya untuk 1 set pembelian Peralatan Kerja bisa memproduksi sampai 1000x produksi. Harganya disini juga berbeda-beda tergantung tingkat Perusahaan yang anda bangun.
Hal terakhir yang perlu anda atur adalah membuka Workplace sehingga pemain lain bisa bekerja diperusahaan anda.
Setelah semua yang diatas sudah beres, sekarang saatnya anda untuk menjual hasil perusahaan anda dengan keuntungan yang besar.

Bermain Saham Trading

Nah buat yang suka bermain saham nih. Anda juga bisa ikut berpartisipasi disini untuk meningkatkan penghasilan lewat game ini. Chart yang dihasilkannya pun juga tidak jauh berbeda kok gan dari trading yang asli.
Apa saja yang tersedia? Anda disini juga bisa membeli saham di beberapa perusahaan dunia, bermain Index, Trading Real, Trading Cryptocoins, dan Komoditi (Emas, perak).



Bergabunglah dengan mendaftar dibawah refferal orang Indonesia!
Gabung disini gan. Click =>> Go Pipstycon


Sudah menjadi hal awam,  kebanyakan mental orang indonesia tidak mau bantu orang lain sukses. Dalam pikirannya "enak aja nih orang pengen dapat hasil dari aktifitas saya di PipsTycoon","daripada bikin affiliate marketer dapat duit, mending saya gabung tidak lewat dia, gabung lewat webnya saja langsung" lalu dia membersihkan cookies browsernya kemudian Join langsung lewat web tanpa perantara referal indonesia.

Ini alasannya gan.

Secara kasat mata anda dapat melihat kerugian, dengan tidak join dengan refferal indonesia maka otomatis anda akan menjadi referral admin (dalam hal ini Killam sebagai salah satu pioneer Pipstycoon) persentase yang anda harus bayar ke pemain hanya 1% sedangkan ke admin adalah diatas 5%.

Keuntungan lainnya adalah dengan join refferal Indonesia, maka anda memiliki master yang akan membantu anda berkembang dalam game PipsTycoon. Bedakan jika referral admin, silahkan saja tanya admin itupun kalau anda direspon segera.

Alasan lain bergabung lewat link referal milik pemain PipsTycoon asal Indonesia adalah agar Dollar (dari referal poin) berputar di lingkungan Indonesia, bisa digunakan oleh 'sang master' untuk membuka perusahaan, memberikan lapangan kerja yang hasilnya untuk kebaikan bersama PipsTycoon Indonesia.

Bukti Withdraw 


Link Refferal Admin Blog ini : PipsTycoon
Link Facebook untuk konsultasi : Facebook (Silahkan inbox ID Pipstycoon dulu sebelum saya confirm)

Segitu dulu gan, lain waktu saya update.
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Senin, 10 Agustus 2015

Hadi Yanuar

Pemerintah Purwakarta Larang Peredaran Warnet Game Online dan Rental Playstation!

Sebuah kabar mengejutkan kembali datang menghampiri para gamers. Kali ini kabar tersebut datang dari salah satu kota di Jawa Barat yaitu Purwakarta. Dalam sebuah postingan foto yang di bagikan oleh salah satu Fanspage Payment di Indonesia, terdapat sebuah surat yang menyatakan bahwa pihak pemerintah kabupaten purwakarta akan melarang para pengusaha Game Online dan juga Playstation beredar di wilayahnya.

Ilustrasi Gambar dari Google

Mengetahui adanya informasi tersebut, para Netizen yang kebanyakan gamer inipun langsung mengecam keras keputusan pemerintah tersebut. salah satu Netizen bahkan mengatakan "Buat peraturan kek Gitu emang itu Bupati mau kasih Pesangon untuk para pengusaha Warnet? Pikir lah Pikir Ini 2015 Bukan Zaman batu gmn Indo mau Maju klo warnet aja di larang. Demo aja itu ke Kantornya Bakar sekalian klo Perlu".

Sebenarnya larangan seperti ini bukanlah yang pertama kali dilakukan oleh pemerintah Purwakarta. Pada tahun 2013 yang lalu saja, Dedi Mulyadi selaku Bupati Purwakarta juga pernah melakukan pelarangan yang sama. Pada waktu itu, Bupati Purwakarta beralasan jika keputusan untuk menutup warnet game online dan juga rental Playstation adalah demi menghilangkan dampak negatif dari kecanduan game dan hiburan sejenis lainnya.

Hingga saat ini, orang-orang awam masih menganggap jika game selalu membawa dampak negatif bagi para penggemarnya. Padahal game online sebenarnya banyak membawa dampak positif seperti meningkatkan kosentrasi, meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa inggris, dan juga meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang komputer.

Selain beberapa dampak positif diatas, jika kalian tekun dan ingin serius terjun di dunia game Online, kalian bahkan bisa menjadi atlit game profesional seperti Suma1l, Dandi, dan lain-lain. Di Indonesia sendiri saat ini sudah ada Asosiasi resmi yang mewadahi para gamers Indonesia untuk berkembang dan menjadi atlit game profesional bernama IeSPA. Jadi bagi para gamers yang bercita-cita ingin menjadi atlet game profesional, jangan perlu ragu lagi dan tetap semangat.

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Kamis, 06 Agustus 2015

Hadi Yanuar

World Tournament Dota 2 Temporarily Shuts Down because of Hacker attacks

A major annual tournament Dota 2 followed by participants from various parts of the world, should be postponed for a while due to hacker attacks. This event took place in the World Championship and the Dota 2 plots Valve Software with a total of USD 18 million or approximately Rp 234 billion (USD 1 = Rp 13,000). As a result of team Evil Geniuses and compLexity Gaming recently competed in the first-half was forced to discontinue its home games for about 3jam attack Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), where the victim's servers are bombarded by traffic overload and thus making the USA (shut down).

This also affects the viewers who wish to watch the matches via Youtube, Steam, or the Twitch will experience disturbance even can not see it at all.

A DDOS is a rudimentary form of hack where people overwhelm a given server with a gigantic number of false requests, rendering it unable to respond. DDOS attacks and other Internet tomfoolery are a an unfortunate side effect of video games in general: virtual vandals have a habit of knocking down everything from smaller PC games to PSN and Xbox Live. Video games have an outsize presence amongst the young and internet-savvy, making them an ideal, if monumentally annoying, target for coordinated groups and lone actors alike.

The attack allegedly took place because of the number of gifts given are so fantastic. Total prize worth 18.000.000 USD not only from sponsors, too, but some also come from the players own Dota 2. Valve using a system like a ticket for who wants to watch the match live, by buying the item named "The Compendium" that can be purchased at the online store's Dota 2.

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Minggu, 02 Agustus 2015

Hadi Yanuar

6 Cloud Applications For Designers

 Make a good design is not trivial and easy, but now times have changed, a new generation is already present, the new equipment with integrated cloud storage and address some of the biggest challenges faced by designers today.


Invision lets you manage, collaborate and Test Your design project. Used by companies like Airbnb, Evernote, Box, Shopify and others, this tool is very powerful. Connect Your Dropbox (support Box coming soon) and synchronization of all assets of your project. The first project you can create for free.


Marvel is probably the easiest way to create an interactive prototype of web or mobile design. You simply start by linking Dropbox or Google Drive and pick a design straight from there. After that, just a few minutes you can create a prototype which can in a click.



POP allows you to connect a paper sketch (or design already so) and creating interactive prototypes including an awesome effect. This gave life to a boring sketches and designs. Above it all, it can integrate with Dropbox and allows you to bring your assets directly from there.

Procreate is a powerful tool to create illustrations with a system brush dual-texture and very high definition (4096 x 4096px). And you can bring all the brush, texture, swatch you and save your project with Dropbox.


Splashbox is fairly simple, but can save you a lot of time. Just connect Your Dropbox and will automatically give a high resolution photo from Unsplash directly to your Dropbox.


Octobox is a pretty good idea – Octobox lets you organize (tags, make collections and archive heaps of queue) of the stuff in Your Dropbox. It is ideal for collecting visual inspiration, save pieces and of course keep all your records.

That's some tools that you can use with cloud storage systems, we wish you the easier in doing design work together with your colleagues.

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Hadi Yanuar

6 Cloud Applications For Designers

 Make a good design is not trivial and easy, but now times have changed, a new generation is already present, the new equipment with integrated cloud storage and address some of the biggest challenges faced by designers today.


Invision lets you manage, collaborate and Test Your design project. Used by companies like Airbnb, Evernote, Box, Shopify and others, this tool is very powerful. Connect Your Dropbox (support Box coming soon) and synchronization of all assets of your project. The first project you can create for free.


Marvel is probably the easiest way to create an interactive prototype of web or mobile design. You simply start by linking Dropbox or Google Drive and pick a design straight from there. After that, just a few minutes you can create a prototype which can in a click.



POP allows you to connect a paper sketch (or design already so) and creating interactive prototypes including an awesome effect. This gave life to a boring sketches and designs. Above it all, it can integrate with Dropbox and allows you to bring your assets directly from there.

Procreate is a powerful tool to create illustrations with a system brush dual-texture and very high definition (4096 x 4096px). And you can bring all the brush, texture, swatch you and save your project with Dropbox.


Splashbox is fairly simple, but can save you a lot of time. Just connect Your Dropbox and will automatically give a high resolution photo from Unsplash directly to your Dropbox.


Octobox is a pretty good idea – Octobox lets you organize (tags, make collections and archive heaps of queue) of the stuff in Your Dropbox. It is ideal for collecting visual inspiration, save pieces and of course keep all your records.

That's some tools that you can use with cloud storage systems, we wish you the easier in doing design work together with your colleagues.

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Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2015

Hadi Yanuar

Celebrate BBM's 10th Birthday with this free BBM sticker pack!

As we mentioned earlier, August 1 marks BBM's 10th birthday and to celebrate the occasion BlackBerry has been taking a look back at the origins of the app as well as recapping some highlights from the 10 years BBM has been available. As part of the celebrations, BlackBerry has now announced a new, free for a limited time sticker pack as well that has now arrived in the BBM Shop.

In 2015 we've already had three major releases, and we're not slowing down. I'll have more to share soon about the next update to BBM, but in the meantime, let's celebrate 10 years of keeping in touch, 10 years of making plans, 10 years of getting together, and 10 years of sharing moments with friends.

"In 2015 we've already had three major releases, and we're not slowing down. I'll have more to share soon about the next update to BBM, but in the meantime, let's celebrate 10 years of keeping in touch, 10 years of making plans, 10 years of getting together, and 10 years of sharing moments with friends.

    To celebrate, starting today through August 1 2015 (the official 10 year anniversary of BBM), we will be releasing a brand new "Happy Birthday BBM" sticker pack in the BBM Store. As our thanks to you, this sticker pack will be available for free for one day only. Make sure to visit the BBM store from your phone and grab the sticker pack, because after August 1, it will go back to its regular price."

The stickers have gone live in the BBM Shop right now, so most folks should be seeing them as available for download. If you're not seeing them as of yet, hang tight. They'll should up soon or you can try hitting this link. Also, here's a nice GIF you can use as your avatar if you wish.
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